The demand for true leadership in the world has never been greater and more tangible. The persistence of inequality between men and women in the 21st century remains a key point of discussion. Despite advances in working towards gender parity and progress particularly in business, gender diversity at the top echelons of business and government remains regrettably low. Over the years, research has shown that full inclusion of women executives improves a company’s financial performance. Yet the scarcity of female executives and general representation of women in the C-suite is stagnating.

Katie Mohammed, who drives W-Suite, its aim to break down gender barriers in the C-suite


Women are still considerably underrepresented and mostly excluded from actual power and succession positions – the C-Suite. These positions include the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Head of Sales, among others. It is against this backdrop that the W-Suite, (the women suite) is conceptualised. Our aim is to spark conversation, advocacy and action towards shifting the balance of power at the top. To achieve real gender diversity at the C-Suite will require deliberate cultural shifts towards overcoming persistent biases that keep women out of real leadership positions.


Breaking down gender barriers in the C-suite through dialogue


The W-Suite platforms promotes the exchange of best practices, knowledge and expertise towards creating cultural changes that redefine the path to leadership for women and inclusivity in the workplace. Through dialogue, W-Suite provides a platform whereby all relevant stakeholders can engage on how we can collectively increase women’s influence on the Africa Union’s development programme (NEPAD) and towards the attainment of Agenda 2063, The Africa We Want.

Breaking down gender barriers in the C-suite through advocacy


W-Suite advocates for the reduction of the opportunity gap for women in all sectors through the acceleration of the influence and contribution of women as drivers of economic and social change, deepening transformation and inclusivity in all institutions, private and public which will result in an enabling environment for current and future generations of women leaders.

Breaking down gender barriers in the C-suite through networking


W-Suite brings together great female minds, captains of industries, C-suite Executives, professional women from across the continent and the world at large to network and find opportunities for collaboration and partnerships.